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Student Dress Code


Lockheed Student Dress Code

Dress-down tags will be sold through PTA. Students that have a tag can dress down (clothes of their choice that are appropriate for school) on designated Fridays. If a student does not have a tag, they may pay $3 to participate. Dress-down days will be announced in July.


  • Red, White, or Blue (light, royal, navy) shirts, short or long sleeved.
  • Any Marietta or Lockheed spirit wear is also approved to wear Monday–Friday.


  • Jeans or khaki, black, navy pants, shorts, skorts, jumpers, uniform dresses, capris, shorts, skirts and skorts.
    • Shorts or leggings must be worn under skirts and dresses.
    • Stretch pants, sweats, yoga pants, leggings, or spandex may not be worn as pants.


  • Sweaters and sweatshirts of uniform color with small logos may be worn.
  • Hoodies of uniform color are allowed, but hoods must be down inside.
  • Coats and sweatshirts to be worn outside may be of any color or style.